Power Play

NY Blades Series - Book 8

By Deirdre Martin

Berkley Sensation - October 2008

Contemporary Romance

There were certain facts that Eric Mitchell knew - he was handsome, a terrific hockey player, a sought after bachelor, but also determinedly single. He knew he had been brought in to help save the Blades, but unfortunately his cocky comments and less than spectacular playing hadn't made him any friends in the locker room.

Daytime soap star Monica Geary knew better than to rest on her laurels. Yet she hadn't made time to spend with the press, doing public appearances, or even visits with her fan club. Although she had been the star of The Wild and the Free for a decade, newer, fresher, and granted less talented actors and actresses were ready to take her place.

It was a match made in, well, by their publicist Theresa Dante. The two of them needed to be seen in public together, attend functions, and basically become fodder for the tabloids. Not only would the fans love it, but the Blades players were all W and F fans and adored Monica's character. It was a win-win situation.

Except the fact that Monica couldn't stand Eric. From the moment she met him, he proved how egotistical he was. As they spent time together, a different Eric would emerge, but the cocky, superficial jerk always snuck his way back. She never knew who she would be with, the one she called real Eric - the one who cared for his family and had become her friend, or the fake Eric. Unfortunately, it was fake Eric who he seemed most comfortable being.

I was thrilled to learn that Eric Mitchell would be having his story. We had met him in Chasing Stanley, the story of his twin brother, Jason. Monica was surprisingly a very identifiable heroine who, regardless of her current status, has severe issues of feeling inadequate. Eric proved to be a player, not interested in meaningful relationships, but truly supportive of his family.

Deirdre Martin has a knack for taking obnoxious jerks and turning them into somewhat sensitive heroes that readers really care for. As with all the stories revolving around the Blades, I loved the main characters, I enjoy visiting with past characters, and am intrigued by the single hockey players to try to figure out who will be next.

Kathy Andrico - ReaderToReader.com